
The Societal Expectations of Mom vs. Dad


Putting the message out there that men should be praised for doing the exact same things that a woman does in parenting communicates to them that they’re not as capable as parents. We’re telling them that it doesn’t come as naturally for them. And while that may be a crutch that some men have preferred to lean on, it’s simply not the case. 

Putting the message out there that men should be praised for doing the exact same things that a woman does in parenting communicates to them that they’re not as capable as parents. We’re telling them that it doesn’t come as naturally for them. And while that may be a crutch that some men have preferred to lean on, it’s simply not the case. 

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The Societal Expectations of Mom vs. Dad


Putting the message out there that men should be praised for doing the exact same things that a woman does in parenting communicates to them that they’re not as capable as parents. We’re telling them that it doesn’t come as naturally for them. And while that may be a crutch that some men have preferred to lean on, it’s simply not the case. 

Creative at Heart Conference: A Reflection


A recent life experience caused me to reflect on my time at Creative at Heart in a different light.

How to Make Friends as an Adult


Making friends as an adult is hard! Here are five tips for navigating the friend-making journey in this unstructured adult world we live in.

Callahan 4

Stay-at-Home or Working Mom: Which is Better?


Stop looking to society to figure out whether you should be a working mom or a SAHM. The right answer for you is closer than you may think.

Abandon Your Happiness and Love Your Spouse Better


Contrary to popular belief, marriage isn’t about our happiness. It’s about making our spouses happy.

Why I’m Giving up My Pre-Mom Self [and Pure Barre]


You can’t be your pre-mom self and your mom self at the same time. There are some things that just won’t fit into your life after you have a child. And you know what? That is one hundred and ten percent OK.

Redefining Success


We need to stop defaulting to the definition of success equaling money. Success can look different to to each individual, and we need to understand what it means for each of us. 

How I Really Feel About Giving Up the City Life


Living in suburbia is not necessarily better than living in the city. It’s just the right choice for us at this point in our lives, and this is why.

Pursuing the Celebration of Individuality


An attempt to create inclusion and love others because of their differences – not despite them – through photography.

It’s Okay to Grow Slow


After feeling overwhelmed for more than a month, hearing that it’s ok to grow slow brought such clarification and peace to my life.

A Generation Who Loves


In light of the recent mass shooting in Orlando, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can prevent these tragedies in the future. The answer starts with us. The answer starts with LOVE.

Mom + Business Owner: Where Does One End and the Other Begin?


Being a stay at home mom and photographer is both the best thing in the world and the hardest thing in the world. Where do my mom responsibilities end and my business owner responsibilities begin?

Mom + Business Owner: Where Does One End and the Other Begin?


Being a stay at home mom and photographer is both the best thing in the world and the hardest thing in the world. Where do my mom responsibilities end and my business owner responsibilities begin?