Pursuing the Celebration of Individuality


Morgan Williams

August 25, 2016

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Hi I’m Morgan! I’m a photography educator and Raleigh, NC newborn photographer and family photographer.

Meet Morgan

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I think one of the most beautiful things about life is that we’re all different. We’re all wired differently. We come from different backgrounds. We have different views, different opinions. We have different interests. We’re all passionate about different things.  We all look different and are beautiful in our own ways. We’ve experienced different things in our lives (be it good or bad) that shape and mold us into the people that we are. Our differences – despite what we’re sometimes told – are what make the world go round.

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I think all too often we take those things that make us different and we suppress them. We put them in the corner, out of the spotlight and tell them to stay there. We don’t let them out for fear that we’ll be judged by others. We take the very things that make us the unique and beautiful people that we are and we hide them. We do everything in our power to conform, to be “normal”, to fit in. I certainly know that there have been times in my life when I’ve fallen victim to doing this, and I wish so badly that I would’ve known that it was ok to be comfortable in my own skin and to celebrate the unique person that I am.

I want to encourage you to stop conforming. I want you to open up. I want you to be yourself. I want to celebrate YOU. I want to celebrate your story. I want to celebrate your individuality. I want you to know that you are loved and deserve to be celebrated just as you are.

One of my favorite things about photography is capturing who people are. I love seeing how a couple’s or family’s unique relationship comes across through an image. There’s always a backstory to an image, although it’s quite rare that we hear it. So I want to capture you, your story and the beauty of your individuality, and I want to share it with the world. Because you, yes YOU, deserve to be celebrated.

I’ll be selecting five people to participate, and photo sessions will be held on September 15 from 5-7 PM in the Evansville area. To be considered, please email me at morganleephotography@gmail.com. In your email please include your name, age and the answers to the following questions:

What is it about you or your life/background that is “different” from the world’s point of view?

How has this affected your life?

How has it made you stronger?

What struggles have you had to overcome because of it?

And of course, please include any other information that’s relevant to you and your story. I look forward to hearing from and celebrating YOU!

I’ll be announcing the selected individuals on Friday, September 2.

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Photography Education

Maternity Photography

Family Photography

In-Home Newborn Photography

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Hi I’m Morgan! I’m a photography educator and Raleigh, NC newborn photographer and family photographer.

Meet Morgan

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