The last session I blogged about happened nearly a year ago. π³ And perhaps needless to say, I’ve shot quite a few sessions since then.
Here’s the thing, ya’ll. I get so caught up in the need to make every blog post perfect from an SEO standpoint. Am I mentioning the right keywords? Is the content relevant? Is the length of the post long enough? Do I mention the keywords often enough? Am I incorporating keywords into the title and subtitles in a way that I haven’t done in a previous post? I meeeean… I could go on for hours.
And it’s not to say that SEO isn’t important, because it totally is if you want the right clients to find you on the interwebs. But maybe for now I just want to share these beautiful families with you and not care so much about all of the SEO things. Are we cool with that?
Because I’m a one woman show over here with four kids. I don’t have time to do everything perfectly, but I do have a heart to do everything with love.
So without further adieu, here’s one of my favorite maternity sessions from 2021. If you can’t tell from the blooming hydrangeas, it’s absolutely from the spring!
I ended up photographing their newborn session shortly after this, and you better believe you’ll be seeing that in a future blog post.
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