When Carrie first reached out to me about capturing her daughter’s newborn session, she expressed that she wanted photos that were more natural and candid. She specifically said that she didn’t want any photos of her baby in unnatural poses, and even gave the specific example of her chin propped on her hands.
This is right up my alley, because lifestyle newborn photography doesn’t involve any unnatural posing of babies. But little miss Ainsley had other plans. She took it upon herself to prop her chin on top of her right fist despite her mom’s wishes as you’ll see in one of the photos below. We got a good laugh out of it, and as I told Carrie, it’s ok because she did it herself! It seems that she’s already being a bit stubborn though. 😉
All joking aside, Ainsley was actually a complete angel during her session. She slept and let her mom and dad hold her, cuddle her and kiss her with zero complaints. As her parents said, “Where is this baby in the middle of the night?!”. I think we’ve all wondered that before, right?!
But as with everything when it comes to parenting, those sleepless night shall too pass. For now, my best advice is caffeine, caffeine and more caffeine!
Congrats to you, Gonzalez and Carrie! Ainsley is beautiful, and it’s obvious that you’re grateful to be her parents.
don't miss
Yay! I did the flowers for their wedding! So nice to see these! 😊