6 Month Photos with Beckett


Morgan Williams

February 17, 2016

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Hi I’m Morgan! I’m a photography educator and Raleigh, NC newborn photographer and family photographer.

Meet Morgan

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Now we all know that my son can’t actually read the letter I’m about to write him. But I want to write it now so that someday maybe he can. And if for nothing else, to document how he has impacted mine and my husband’s lives up until this point.




Dear Beckett,

I really can’t believe that you’re already 6 months old. You’re going to hear me say this numerous times throughout your life so get used to it, but it really does feel like we just brought you home from the hospital a few weeks ago. It’s been half of a year. HALF OF A YEAR! How does that happen? How do you grow up so quickly?



When I think about how tiny you were when we brought you home and how much you’ve grown since then, it does make sense that it’s been six months. You were so itty-bitty in your car seat that day. Daddy and I said (and still say) that you looked like a pterodactyl with the way your tiny arms placed themselves inside the car seat as the whole thing just swallowed you up. You still ride in that same car seat, but your days with it are numbered. I could have never imagined you outgrowing it that first day you sat in it, but alas, it is happening.



The way that you’ve grown is astounding to me. In just six short months, you’ve grown from a fragile, delicate newborn into this little person who laughs and rolls and sits up and gives the most wonderful slobber-filled kisses. It is truly nothing short of amazing. 



You have brought so much joy to my life. Walking into your room in the morning and seeing you smile at me is no doubt one of the best things I’ve ever experienced. It makes even then earliest of wake-up calls more than worth it. Hearing your sweet laugh brings me so much happiness that tears well up in my eyes every time I hear it. When you grab my face and plant your slobbery open-mouthed kisses on me, my heart feels like it could burst.

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In the short time that we’ve known each other, you’ve taught me so much. You’ve given me a new perspective on life and on what’s important. In a way, you’ve showed me how to prioritize my life. Who knew that a person so small could teach you such important life lessons?




So today and everyday, I thank God for you. Your dad and I feel like the luckiest two people on earth to be chosen as your parents, and we can’t wait to see what our future with you holds.

Love always,


evansvilleindianababyphotographer 1

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Hi I’m Morgan! I’m a photography educator and Raleigh, NC newborn photographer and family photographer.

Meet Morgan

  1. This little man has awesome hair! Such an adorable session!

  2. Omg! This little man is the cutest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. And he’s so photogenic! I love these photos.

  3. Kayla Yestal says:

    He is such an absolute sweetheart! These photos and your heartwarming words just made my morning. Enjoy this precious time together!

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