It's time to create the art you were created to create.

It's time to create the art you were created to create

You know in you heart and soul that you were put on this earth for more; to create not just good, ordinary images, but extraordinary ones; to serve people in a way that only you with your unique giftings. Something stirs deep inside of you that lets you know the capability exists. You know you have what it takes. What you need now is time, space and guidance to see it all come to fruition.

FEELING LIKE YOU'RE on the cusp of something incredible but you can't break through?

Sign me up!

Here's what it feels like:

a lot +
a ton of personal responsibilities

No Time

No improvement in work or creative growth

Can't raise prices + shoot less to create more time

Envision this: Every time you go to shoot a session, there's a perfect marriage of your unique artistic vision coming to life and your clients' needs being met in a deep and meaningful way. Creatively, you are thriving.

And as if that's not enough, this creative fulfillment is complemented by your personal life in a beautiful way. Because your business is built to support your personal and family life; not the other way around. Personally, you are thriving.

In a word, you are FLOURISHING.

I once dreamed of this,  but it took me a long time to piece it all together to make it happen. The gap between knowing where you want to be and being there can be frustrating, unless you have someone to show you the way.

It's time you finally create the art, business and life your soul longs for.

you're meant for more than this vicious cycle, but how do you get there?

A 6 month mastermind and 4 day/3 night in-person retreat in 30A, FL (April 18-21, 2024) designed to show you how to discover your unique creative purpose... because we were not created to be clones of one another as artists. You'll find that unpacking your creative purpose and putting it into action in the art you're creating not only leads to a flourishing in your images and using your God-given gifts to serve others in the way you were created to, but it also allows you to flourish personally.


Live Calls

We'll have three calls via Zoom each month where you'll receive live teaching on the month's topic, ample opportunities for open Q&A as well as hot seats to dive deep into your specific situation and struggles in flourishing creatively and personally so that you're taking significant strides towards your ultimate goal each week.

program format:

Voxer Hours

Once a month, I'll set aside time for us to chat back and forth on Voxer to work through your individual scenario so that we can troubleshoot, find solutions and enable you to move forward with confidence.


A 4 day/3 night retreat in 30A, FL April 18-21 to give you the time and space you need to get abundantly clear on what exactly it looks like for you to flourish personally and professionally and how to make it come to fruition.  We'll have three styled shoots, a welcome dinner on the beach, one-one-one time and multiple activities to guide you on your journey and open up your creative potential.

tell me more!

Private Online Community

I know you'll have questions between calls as you work through the action items! You'll have access to me through our private online community in Slack to answer any questions on weekdays during normal business hours.






The results you're going to get:

How does this sound?

the time and space you need to break free from the cycle and gain clarity on what it is that you're here on this earth to create

work that is so uniquely you that standing out in a saturated market will be second nature

A game plan to price and market your unique work in a way that results in financial security and balance - personally and professionally

confidence in what you're creating, who you're creating it for and what you're charging for it

Consistently creating the work that sets your soul on fire, lights you up as an artist and ultimately enables you to flourish in all areas of your life

apply now!

We create our best work and get our best ideas when we're operating from an abundance mindset. You will gain an understanding of how to access that frame of mind and stay in it consistently.

Month 1: Mindset

Now that you've laid a solid foundation, you can get clear on what exactly it is that you're here on this earth to create - work that stands out instead of going through the motions and always playing it safe.


Understanding your creative purpose takes time. We will take one more month to continue unpacking what your unique giftings are, so that you have complete clarity on your purpose moving forward.

Month 3: Your creative Purpose (pt. 2)

How it works

Now that you have clarity on what it is you're here to create, we're going to implement strategies to begin creating this work ASAP with what and who you have on hand. This is also the month that we'll meet in person in Florida!

Month 5: marketing + client analyzation

There is not a one size fits all solution to marketing. It depends on who your client is. In month 5, you'll work through a client analyzation process so that you know exactly who you're marketing to and then we'll create a strategy to market to that client - rather than the masses.

Month 4: create
the work

Now that you have complete clarity on who your client is and what process you need to implement in order to create the art that you were created to create, you will approach pricing in a way that allows you to flourish personally and professionally.

Month 6: pricing

"Morgan knows how to help propel others forward in their business while keeping it true to themselves."


"Morgan is the most talented photographer I know. The way she is able to connect with families before their session by getting to know their story and then translate it into their session through guided poses that encourage natural connection between them is truly a gift. To witness this magic is invaluable as a photographer. She also has an incredible ability to put her thoughts into words and educate when asked questions. She is such an encourager and knows how to help propel others forward in their business while keeping it true to themselves.

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

- jordan s.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf.

Five years ago, I was in a vicious cycle. At the time, I had two young boys and a photography business that looked successful from the outside. But behind the curtain, it was a grind - shooting too much, charging too little, drowning in my home responsibilities and never making actual progress. I was certain in my heart that I was capable of more - that I could create extraordinary work and build a business that meshed beautifully with my home life. After years of trial and error, I figured it out. And now? Now I get to show you how to do the same thing without the snafus in between!

Learn more

I was overwhelmed, uninspired and underpaid.

I knew there was potential...both in my capability as a photographer and in the industry. But my reality wasn't reflecting that.

Balancing motherhood, a husband who traveled for work frequently and shooting multiple sessions a week for $500 or less left me with approximately zero time to get out of the personal and creative rut I was living in.

I wanted to see my potential as an artist actualized, get paid really well for it and give myself the time I needed between sessions to pour into my own family and reset creatively.

i can help because i've been there

but nowI know how to help!

This mastermind + retreat includes everything you need to access your full potential as an artist + do it in a way that fits into your life beautifully

Flourish is THE mastermind and retreat you need to open the floodgates to your creativity, get paid appropriately for the images your soul longs to create, actualize your potential and marry it all together beautifully in a way that allows you to flourish personally and professionally. Because your business and your images will only reach new heights when your personal life complements it - not competes with it.

Is this only for family photographers?

Not at all! This is for any type of photographer who wants to see their creative potential as an artist and business owner actualized while doing it in a way that meshes beautifully into their personal life. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start?

We'll start on January 1, 2025 - kicking off the new year in the best way!

How is this different from other photography masterminds and retreats?

I GET IT. There's a lot of education out there. What makes this program different is that it's not a cookie cutter mastermind. Instead, every piece is created so that you can flourish in your business, art and personal life in the way that makes sense for YOU. It is a deep dive into your creativity, your business and your personal life. Because in order to really flourish, we need to understand how all of these aspects of your life work together in the best way - and it's not the same for everyone!

What is included in the cost?

Three monthly group calls throughout the six month program (Jan-June 2024), monthly Voxer hours, a private online community, three nights lodging at our retreat in April, all food and drinks during your stay, 2 styled shoots planned by Morgan, ample opportunities to flex your creativity muscle and the TIME and CLARITY you need to move forward in a way where you're flourishing in all areas of your life. All you're responsible for is travel to and from the retreat! 

What's the investment?

This is a multi four-figure investment with payment plans available to make it doable for you! Once you apply, we will talk in more detail about the specifics.

Apply now

It's time, friend. If you're ready to say goodbye to the grind and the hustle and never seeing your true capability as an artist come to life, Flourish is your one-way ticket to the other side of the journey.
